Become a Cultivator / Partner

The cultivation of aloe is an organic crop, without the need to use dangerous pesticides and fertilizers. In this way, it contributes to the protection of the environment, since it has reduced needs for water and organic fertilizers, while at the same time it does not require a large number of salaries per year. One person can manage 90% of the work during the year.

Aloe vera barbadensis Miller cultivation can coexist with domestic animals, such as sheep and turkeys, in order to remove unwanted weeds. It has no serious enemies other than the snail, which is treated organically.

An important role for the growth of the plant plays the microclimate of the area in which it is grown, specifically in areas with mild winters (temperatures above 6 degrees Celsius) and in soils that have good drainage. Such areas are Crete, the southern Peloponnese, the islands of the southern Aegean and Cyprus.

Crop yield and production absorption

GG HELLENIC ALOE has setup a group of growers with whom it cooperates in the form of contract farming .

We sign a seven-year cooperation contract with them, during which we provide the necessary know-how that the producer needs in order to cultivate the plant properly.

Based on the above contract, there is a guaranteed distribution of the production throughout the 7 years. In combination with the guaranteed and pre-agreed security price, we provide the grower with the guaranteed amortization of his investment within two years from the planting. Then the crop provides a satisfactory income per acre.  

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